Be a Presenter at the Annual Conference
Save the date! The 2023 CollegeSource Annual Conference will take place Monday, June 26 – Thursday, June 29, at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort in San Diego, CA. More registration information will be coming in early 2023.
Have you considered being a presenter at our conference? We are now accepting presentation proposals while we build the agenda. The annual conference is an excellent opportunity to share how CollegeSource technology has been integrated into your campus and positively impacts student success at your institution. We welcome all presentation submissions if you have interesting tips and tricks to share or a great success story using TES, Transferology, or uAchieve Degree Audit/Planner/Schedule Builder.
Not keen on presenting alone? Consider co-presenting with a colleague or one of our CollegeSource staff members. Just let us know what you are interested in by submitting a proposal below.
Accepted proposals will receive $100 off their registration!