Although our fall conference schedule was packed full, we’re not taking it easy in 2016! CollegeSource staff will be on the road again attending several shows throughout the late winter and spring months. As always, we look forward to our chance to connect with you. Listed below are the conferences we’ll be attending through the first half of the year. We invite you and others from your institution to stop by the CollegeSource booth at the following shows:
NISTS Annual Conference
Atlanta, GA // February 3-5
SACRAO Annual Meeting
Oklahoma City, OK // February 7-10
HEUG Alliance
Seattle, WA // March 6-9
AACRAO Annual Conference
Phoenix, AZ // March 20-23
MOACAC/GPACAC Joint Conference
Overland Park, KS // April 3-5
SACAC Annual Conference
Miami, FL // April 9-12
RMACAC Annual Conference
Tucson, AZ // April 13-15
OrACRAO Annual Meeting
Eugene, OR // April 17-19
Ellucian Live
Denver, CO // April 17-20
CIAC Annual Conference
Los Angeles, CA // April 21-22
MIDWest Conference
Minneapolis, MN // May 15-17
Don’t forget to register for the CollegeSource User Conference which is June 20-23 at the Catamaran Resort & Spa in San Diego, California! Also, if you’d like to schedule a meeting with our staff or co-present with us at any of the above shows, please contact Jennifer Wright (